Discord Mail!

Table of contents

  1. Discord Mail
    1. Information about the Project
      1. Steps To Reproduce:
  2. Coding Time!!!!

Discord Mail

A small webhook that connects Gmail (only Gmail) to Discord. This uses the Google Apps Scripts and Google Analytics.

To use this bot, make sure to first make a webhook in the server you are connecting to. This could be in any channel, as long as you have access to it (and the webhooks themselves). I would recommend only using this webhook if you know that it is safe to use. NEVER share the webhook keys with anyone.

If you’re interested in the code, use the TOC to get to the bottom of the page to locate the code. Make sure to change any differences (the channel names/ids) and you should be good to go!!

Information about the Project

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Create a Webhook in your Discord Server
    1. Go to Settings -> Integrations -> Webhooks Webhook Integration
    2. View Webhooks -> New Webhooks New Webhook
    3. Select a Channel from your Server, and then Copy Webhook URL (this is important) Copy Webhook URL
  2. Go to Google Apps Script
    1. Click on Create a New Project -> Name it whatever you want Create a New Project
    2. Click on the Cog Icon to to to Project Settings Project Settings
    3. Scroll down to Script Properties -> Add Script Property Add Script Property
    4. Add two Properties -> TOKEN and WEBHOOKS (spell it the same way) TOKEN and WEBHOOKS
  3. Click on the Clock to Setup Triggers (we only need 1, even for 2 functions)
    1. Click Add Trigger Add Trigger
    2. Make it look the exact same as this image below… (Or change the time if applicable) Edit Trigger
  4. CODING TIME!!!!!! Please refer to the code below…
    1. Paste your channel in const channel= '📫mail';
    2. Notice const checkSpan = 60;
      1. That entails that every 60 minutes, the command sendMailsToDiscord() will be run
      2. I would not advise doing any sooner than that, as your email quota may run out. (100/day for free users)

Coding Time!!!!

 function  postDiscord(postMsg) {// this posts the emails gathered to Discord
    const  props = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
    const  webhooks = props.getProperty("WEBHOOKS"); // get value from project properties
    const  token = props.getProperty("TOKEN");
    const  channel = '📬mail'; // channel name 
    const  parse = 'full'; 
    const  method = 'post';
    const  payload = {
      'token': token,
      'channel': channel,
      'content': postMsg,
      'parse': parse,
    const  params = {
      'method': method,
      'payload': payload,
      'muteHttpExceptions': true,
    response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(webhooks, params);

function  sendMailsToDiscord() {
// this collects the emails that are unread
var  emailQuotaRemaining = MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota();
Logger.log("Remaining Email Quota: " + emailQuotaRemaining);
const  searchQuery = 'is:unread';
const  dt = new  Date();
const  checkSpan = 60;
dt.setMinutes(dt.getMinutes() - checkSpan);
const  threads = GmailApp.search(searchQuery);
const  msgs = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(threads);
const  amount = GmailApp.getInboxUnreadCount();
Logger.log("Current Unread Count: " + amount);
for(let  i =0; i<msgs.length; i++) {
  const  lastMsgDt = threads[i].getLastMessageDate();
  if(lastMsgDt.getTime() < dt.getTime()) {
    console.log('No New Mail!!');
    // postDiscord('No New Mail!!');
for(let  j =0; j<msgs[i].length; j++) {
    const  msgDate = msgs[i][j].getDate();
    const  msg = msgs[i][j];
    const  msgSender = msgs[i][j].getFrom();
    const  msgSubject = msgs[i][j].getSubject();
    //const msgBody = msgs[i][j].getPlainBody();
    let  postMsg = "You've got " + amount + " new email(s)!!"+ "\n" + "From: " + msgSender + "\n" + Utilities.formatDate(msgDate, 'PST', 'MM/DD/YYYY | hh:mm a') + "\n" + "Title of Email: " + msgSubject;
    console.log(`chars: ${postMsg.length}`);
    // The limit is 2000 characters
    if(postMsg.length > 2000) {
	    const  stopPos = 1900; //
	    const  errorMsg = "Title of Email: " + msgSubject + "`This message is more than 2000 chars so I cannot post the entire message. Please refer to the email box here: https://myaccount.google.com/notifications`";
	    postMsg = postMsg.substring(0, stopPos) + "\n" + errorMsg;
    console.log(`chars: ${postMsg.length}`);